My wife and I visited South Africa in August and did all the things one does: walked with lions, met elephants and assorted other animals, and I bungee jumped for the first time. Lots of wonderful things to do in South Africa. Of course, I spent the first week in the hotel room re-writing the same 5000 words of Saint’s Blood over and over again while my wife was at an International library conference.
Hilarious! I grew up in Cape Town, South Africa. You should visit the beaches and mountains there sometime. I’ve just come across your books…I estimate losing many hours of daily life as an immediate result. If you see the title “Imbalance” on the fantasy/sci-fi circuit in future years, be sure to pick it up.
I feel like we barely scratched the surface of South Africa in our visit–hopefully next time we’ll do a more in-depth exploration!
Hope you enjoy the Greatcoats books, and I’ll keep an eye out for “Imbalance”.