Ah, the beautiful UK hardback edition of Charmcaster, so filled with lovely hardback goodness. Alas, my publishers underestimated demand for the third book in the Spellslinger series which resulted in all copies selling out quite quickly. Rather than go back and do a second hardback print run, they switched to the different but equally lovely paperback edition. Unfortunately for many fans of the series who wanted to have all of their books in the same edition, nowadays hardback copies of Charmcaster go for several hundred dollars. Please don’t buy these excessively-priced copies; they’re not worth it and only serve to reward greedy people on the Internet.
One day, I hope, we’ll find a way to get more Charmcaster hardbacks out there! The best way to make that happen is to let the publisher, Hot Key Books, know you want one. You can reach them here: hello@bonnierbooks.co.uk.