So, my travels for the next several months include journeying to London for the launch of my latest book, The Malevolent Seven, in late May. I suspect the atmosphere of merry old London will be a little bit different this trip, in the wake of the new King’s Coronation, but it’s one of my favorite places to visit and I’m looking forward to meeting with my publishers, who are based there.
I will be attending the MCM Comic Con in London, which is taking place on the 26th-28th of May 2023. I’ll be joining them on the Friday.
I will also be attending the Forbidden Planet London Megastore for a Malevolent Seven book signing on Tuesday 30thMay, between 17:00-18:00 BST, which will be a lot of fun!
Then I’ll be heading up to the Cymera Festival in Edinburgh on June 2nd at 5pm for a lovely event. Hopefully, it will be warmer then. Did you know that Edinburgh Castle is built on an extinct volcano? I might have to steal that for one of my books.
And I may or may not be doing another little, secret event, if time permits…